Columbine Commons
Assisted Living in Windsor, CO
Conveniently located in the heart of Windsor, Columbine Commons Assisted Living opened in December 2013. The facility offers 58 apartments with spacious walk-in closets, bathrooms with walk-in showers, and kitchenette areas. Recreational areas include; TV Rooms, Exercise Room, Activity Room, Private Dining Room, Library, and Beauty Shop! Residents can enjoy walking paths and sitting areas in our outdoor Courtyard. Medical offices of UC Health Family Medicine and Associates in Family Medicine are nearby - Banner Health Family Medicine is just down the street!
Personal Care Providers are available 24 hours a day to help residents with tasks such as bathing, dressing and personal hygiene. Nursing staff, on-site 10 hours a day, provide medication management and qualified medication administration personnel help administer medication. With extended nursing hours, staff is able to accommodate specialty nursing needs such as diabetic management, catheter, and ostomy care and management, wound care, and specialized or mechanically altered diets.
Choice of four room sizes
Kitchenette with small refrigerator
Walk-in closets
Wireless call system to notify staff of need for assistance
Individual thermostat for air conditioning and heat
Private bathroom with walk-in shower with fold down shower bench
Phone and cable ready; no service initiation required
Flat screen TVs on wall mounts
Blinds on all windows
Small pets allowed
Activity room with full kitchen
Fish aquariums
Lounge areas
Whirlpool tub for spa experience
Beauty/Barber shop
Outdoor courtyard with walking paths
Exercise room
Resident computers
Close Proximity to:
Skilled nursing
Windsor Medical Clinic
Columbine Commons Park & Sculpture Garden
Other Services Available:
Home care
Pharmacy services
Medical equipment
On-site therapy
Resident Assistance:
Medication administered by Licensed Practical Nurses and Qualified Medication Administration Personnel
Assistance scheduling and reminders for medical appointments
Monthly blood pressure, weight, and nutritional status checks
Customizable Care Plans
Licensed Practical Nurses on staff 7 days a week
Assistance with activities of daily living: bathing, dressing, grooming
Housekeeping services
Personal laundry services
Transportation to Larimer & Weld counties
Shares building with skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility
Three nutritious meals daily
Registered Dietician on staff
Outdoor courtyard and walking shaded paths
Private dining room available for use
Restaurant-style dining
Beverage bar available 24 hours a day
Seven days a week
Exercise program
Social events
Resident council
Educational, cultural and spiritual programs
Individual and group activities
Community outings
1475 Main Street
Windsor, Colorado 80550
Tel: 970-449-5540