Columbine West Health & Rehab Community
Skilled Nursing in Fort Collins, CO
Columbine Care Center West is a Skilled Nursing Facility providing rehabilitation, nursing care, dementia care, and hospice services to the geriatric community.
" I am writing to thank the dedicated staff and caregivers who cared for Mom at Columbine West for 3 years and 3 months, after spending one year at New Mercer Commons. Although I hated to see the caregivers "rotate", I understood that you had a system for maintaining excellent care. The communication between nursing and family was most appreciated. The wound care and the attention to our mother's anxiety - without overmedicating - was awesome. The CNA's... went "over and beyond". There were no bad CNA's! The housekeeping staff was extraordinary and kept Mom's suite clean and warm. They helped us to feel secure. Laundry services were also excellent and helpful. The food service staff was kind, attentive, and provided good food. We appreciated the capable maintenance department and the courteous shuttle drivers. Mom had more time with us, as a result of the great care. Time was the most valuable thing we could have. We will
never forget. "
-Family Member
Skilled Nursing Care:
Skilled nursing care is provided 24 hours a day by Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA). Skilled care may include administering medication, laboratory work and intravenous therapy, restorative nursing, and treatment of specific skin issues.
Nurse Practitioner:
A Nurse Practitioner is a Registered Nurse (RN) who has a Master's degree in nursing with specialized clinical training. The Nurse Practitioner works in collaboration with the physician to treat medical issues.
Social Services / Resident Services:
Our Social Services staff acts as an advocate for residents. Social Services coordinates individualized care plan meetings and assists with psychosocial needs
Physical Therapy:
Physical Therapy programs may include gait and transfer assessment and training, wheelchair positioning and mobility, therapeutic exercise, prosthetic and orthotic training, manual and soft tissue mobilization, wound care, home assessments, and family training. Onsite treatments may include moist heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation.
Secure Memory Care:
Dining room / living room
Secure Courtyard
Occupational Therapy:
Occupational Therapy assists individuals with activities of daily living skills (ADL's). Therapists may provide adaptive equipment to aid residents in self-feeding, dressing, toileting, and bathing. Training may also focus on muscle re-education, upper extremity strengthening, splinting, cognitive retraining, and family education. Home evaluations are available to residents going home to provide recommendations.
Speech / Language Pathology:
Speech Therapy programs may assist with communication, swallowing skills, training to relearn speech, and/or language skills. Swallowing therapy may involve strengthening throat muscles, and determining food/liquid consistencies.
Discharge Planning:
Our Resident Service Representatives complete the discharge planning process. Information regarding needs in order to return home is gathered from our nurses, therapists, residents, families, and insurance case managers. Services for a transfer home may include home health agencies, medical equipment and supplies, meals-on-wheels, etc.
Dietary Services:
A Registered Dietician reviews residents' dietary needs, requirements, and monthly menus.
Columbine Health Systems strives to improve health disparities by embracing and celebrating diversity, challenging biases and stereotypes, and promoting equal opportunities & care for all. All Columbine staff are required to complete Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training upon hire and annually.